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Design Patent

Design Patent protects the structural or ornamental appearance of a new invention. Design Patent drawings must accurately illustrate the object's shape, proportions, surface contours, and any special material properties.
The drawing must show every feature of the object that is visible during normal use, so that no part of it is left to conjecture. They must be shaded to depict surface contour or characteristics such as transparency and to distinguish between open and solid areas.
A design patent application must provide a complete set of views from all sides. This is usually accomplished with seven standard views. The entire design must be shown in each of these views so that its appearance can be clearly understood.
The following are the seven standard views:

  • Perspective view
  • Front view
  • Rear view
  • Left Side view
  • Right side view
  • Top view and
  • Bottom view

These drawings must include adequate shading, i.e. the lines that depict the surface contour.

Patent drawings encompassing the utility and the design drawings require expertise and experience, and we at Legal Advantage, have an experienced team in the patent illustration and design department comprising engineers and artists who are well trained to execute a project of any level in 48 hours of turnout time.